Murphy’s book of poems Hemming Flames won the 2016 May Swenson Poetry Award judged by Stephen Dunn, and the 2017 Milt Kessler Poetry Award.
A chapter from her memoir in progress was published by New Orleans Review.
Murphy has read her work at Changing Hands in Tempe, Antigone Books in Tucson, the Tempe Center for the Arts during the Tempe Poetry in April celebration, the Swarthout Awards Ceremony, the Gateway College awards ceremony, the Shemer Art Center, and Eye Lounge Gallery in Phoenix. She delivered the Keynote Address at the 2nd Annual Friends Benefit Dinner for the Casa Grande Public Library. She has served as a Faculty Ambassador to local high schools and community centers. She has presented papers at the Associated Writers and Writing Programs Conference, the College Composition and Communication Conference, the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, and the Western States Composition Conference.
Murphy has published her writing in many of the top national literary magazines including The Massachusetts Review, Black Warrior Review, Third Coast, Clackamas Literary Review, New Orleans Review, Wisconsin Review, Notre Dame Review, Seattle Review, The South Carolina Review, Cimarron Review, Kalliope, Quarterly West, American Poetry Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Green Mountains Review, Indiana Review, and The Iowa Review.
She has published four book chapters including “Between Sentiment and Language: Creating Tension.” in Wingbeats: Exercises and Practices in Poetry, “To Friend or Not to Friend: Social Networking and Your Professors.” Snarktastic, “Will Work for Free: Campus Publications and You.” Snarktastic, and with Duane Roen and Ryan Muckerheide “Teaching in the Wake of National Tragedy.” in Trauma and the Teaching of Writing.
She has received fully or partially funded stays at several artists organizations including Djerassi Resident Artists Program, Ragdale Foundation, Colrain Poetry Manuscript Conference, Vermont Studio Center, Atlantic Center for the Arts, and Mesa Refuge.