Jul 05, 2009
10 Days to Go
I can’t believe we’re leaving for Europe in 10 days. I know I’ve done a lot of preparing already, but I don’t feel like I have done enough. But my summer classes are finished now so I can focus my attention on the trip. My goal is to fill in my spreadsheet with lots of “activities” and “restaurants.”
One of our most exciting activities will be to see the second to last stage of the Tour de France. The Tour started yesterday so we have enjoyed our July tradition each morning of having coffee, reading the paper, and watching the Tour! So many Julys we have watched the cyclists wind through small French towns and said, “We need to go see that.” It’s hard to believe that this year we are actually going to do it.
Another bike-related activity I’m really looking forward to is a Bike Tour of Barcelona. We did a bike tour of Buenos Aires when we were there in 2005, and it was one of the highlights of our trip.
For us, “Restaurants” might be considered a subcategory of “Activities.” One of our favorite things to do when we travel is read blogs and books about delicious meals. So far we have a few good restaurants on our list. First is Pinotxo, a Tapas bar in the market on Las Ramblas. We love markets to begin with, and this one is famous and sounds wonderful.
In France with the Hinckleys, we can’t wait to go to Le Recreation, a restaurant that has a whole town (Les Arques) and a whole book (From Here, You Can’t See Paris) devoted to it. Please plan to view our food photos on a full stomach.
In the next few days I’ll be filling in some more blanks of the spreadsheet.